SQL Union

The UNION Operator

The UNION operator is utilized to combine the results of two or more SELECT queries into a single result set. Unlike joins, which merge columns from two tables, the union operation creates a new table by stacking all rows from the source tables into a single result table, one on top of the other.

Here are the basic rules for combining the result sets of two SELECT queries using UNION:

  • The number and order of the columns must be identical in all queries.
  • The data types of the corresponding columns must be compatible.

When these criteria are met, the tables are considered union-compatible:


The basic syntax for UNION is as follows:

SELECT column_list FROM table1_name
UNION SELECT column_list FROM table2_name;

To better understand the union operation, let's assume there are hypothetical fields like first_name and last_name in our employees and customers tables. Please note that these fields do not actually exist in our demo database tables.

| id | first_name | last_name | salary |
|  1 | Ethan      | Hunt      |   5000 |
|  2 | Tony       | Montana   |   6500 |
|  3 | Sarah      | Connor    |   8000 |
|  4 | Rick       | Deckard   |   7200 |
|  5 | Martin     | Blank     |   5600 |
| id | first_name | last_name | city     |
|  1 | Maria      | Anders    | Berlin   |
|  2 | Fran       | Wilson    | Madrid   |
|  3 | Dominique  | Perrier   | Paris    |
|  4 | Martin     | Blank     | Turin    |
|  5 | Thomas     | Hardy     | Portland |
Table: employees   Table: customers

Let's carry out a union operation to combine the results of two queries.

The following statement returns the first and last names of all customers and employees:

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees 
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers;

After executing the statement above, the result set will appear similar to this:

| first_name    | last_name    |
| Ethan         | Hunt         |
| Tony          | Montana      |
| Sarah         | Connor       |
| Rick          | Deckard      |
| Martin        | Blank        |
| Maria         | Anders       |
| Fran          | Wilson       |
| Dominique     | Perrier      |
| Thomas        | Hardy        |

The UNION operation, by default, removes duplicate rows from the combined result set. That's why the query above returns only 9 rows, as the name "Martin Blank" appears in both the employees and customers tables.

However, if you want to retain the duplicate rows, you can use the ALL keyword, as shown below:

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees 
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers;